Osman Safa Terzi
Ankara University, Turkey
Title: The ABCs of feline arterial thromboembolism and two cases with two different clinical presentations
Biography: Osman Safa Terzi
Arterial thromboembolism (ATE) in cats is mostly a complication of concurrent myocardial disease and frequently results
with euthanasia. From distal level of thrombus arterial circulation breaks down because of obstruction and vasoconstriction
of the collateral blood supply. Blood stasis in left atrium and endothelial dysfunction activates platelets and results as formation
of thrombus. Even new antithrombotic drugs are developed for humans there is no developmental study from pharmaceutical
companies for feline species. In this case report 2 cats suffering from ATE was observed until the day of death. Clinical examination,
ultrasonography, electrocardiography and echocardiography were performed. For anticoagulant therapy, heparin was administered
to one of the patients and enoxaparin sodium (low-molecular weight heparins) was administered to the other. Similar and different
clinical results between the two cases were evaluated. This p