Poster Presentation

Opoola Emmanuel
Ahmadu Bello University
Title: Evaluation of optimum dietary tryptophan requirement for broiler chicks reared in the cold season under tropical environment
Opoola Emmanuel has obtained his BSc, MSc in Poultry Production from Ahmadu Bello University and currently pursuing PhD in Poultry Production from same university, Nigeria. His research interest is on the nutrition and digestive physiology of farm animals, particularly poultry. He has published more the 10 papers in reputed journals. He is a Member of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP), Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN) and a Registered Animal Scientist (RAS) in Nigeria.
It has been suggested that the amount of nutrients consumed, environmental temperature and season may affect nutrient requirements of animals, interaction between broilers and season of rearing remains an important problem especially under the tropical environment. The experiment was conducted with broiler chicks from 1 to 28 days of age to determine the optimum tryptophan requirement in the cold season under tropical environment. A total of 285 day old chicks were used in this experiment. The mean minimum daily temperature was from 14-24 oC. The experimental design was a completely randomized design, consisting of five treatments each with three replicates. There were five experimental diets with graded levels of supplemental tryptophan at 0.00, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12 and 0.16% to give total dietary tryptophan levels of 0.15, 0.19, 0.23, 0.27 and 0.31% respectively. The basal diet was based on corn (50.66%), groundnut cake (25%) and fishmeal (12.95%), 23% CP and 3008 Kcal/kg of ME. Dietary treatment had significant (p<0.05) effects on final weight, weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio. Chicks fed 0.24% dietary tryptophan gave the highest final body weight, average daily gain and better feed conversion ratio. Chicks fed 0.15% total dietary tryptophan had significantly (p<0.05) higher value for feed intake (1,789.90 g) and significantly lower weight gain (1,021.00 g). Based on this study, overall results suggest that broiler chicks need approximately 0.24% dietary tryptophan between 1-28 days of age.

Susanta Kumar Dash
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
Title: Evaluation of Kendrapada sheep: Champion prolific meat type sheep in India
Susanta Kumar Dash has completed his PhD in 2007 and presently serving as a Professor at the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Odisha, India. He has registered 4 cattle, 2 buffalo and one sheep breed at national level, published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and completed 14 projects on animal genetic resources of the country and serving as a Member in livestock breeding policy of Government of Odisha.
Data on phenotypic characters, production and reproduction performance of 1332 numbers of Kendrapada sheep, recently registered as the 42nd sheep breed in India, were collected through an in-depth monitoring survey conducted in the native tract in Odisha, India. The area is situated between 19o 87’ N to 20o 96’ N latitude and between 85o 79’ E to 86o 76’ E longitude. The climate is hot and moist sub-humid to hot and humid in nature. The average annual rainfall is around 1500 mm. Odisha is gifted with sizable population of small ruminants distributed all over the state. Kendrapada sheep has been identified as second prolific sheep breed in India, which carries FecB mutation, responsible for prolificacy and found in eastern coast of Bay of Bengal in Odisha, India. More than 75% of Kendrapada sheep owners possess less than half hectare of cultivable land. Only 3.31% of the farmers rearing this sheep own more than a hectare land, reflecting poor resource profiling of Kendrapada sheep farmers in the native tract. The flock size ranges from 5 to 27. Predominantly deep brown, coat color ranges from light grey to blackish grey. Both the sexes are polled. Ears are medium and little drooping. The ewe of this sheep comes to heat at around 10 to 11 months and drops its first lamb at around 15 to 16 months of age. The average lambing interval in these sheep is 8 months with gestation period of 150 days. The reproductive performance of these sheep is the uniqueness of this sheep population with more than 80% multiple births; 71% twinning, 9% triplet and 1% quadruplets. The present study reveals that the mean body weight at birth, weaning/3 months, 6 month and 12 month were 1.70±0.03, 6.76±0.04, 11.18±0.07 and 16.98±0.10 kg, respectively in males and the corresponding values for females were 1.57±0.02, 6.42±0.04, 10.84±0.06 and 16.54±0.09 kg, respectively. Adult weights were recorded as 27.33±0.12 kg and 27.19±0.11 kg, respectively in male and female sheep. Endowed with the resistance to tropical diseases, these sheep have been proving their worth under extensive system of management under hot and humid climatic conditions, contributing to the livelihood of resource poor farmers.

Tohid Tolouei
University of Tehran
Title: Efficacy of Echinacea purpurea and Protexin on immune response (IgA, IgG and HI) to Newcastle disease virus vaccination (VG/GA strain) in turkey poults
Tohid Tolouei is currently a PhD student in Department of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Iran.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Echinacea purpurea and probiotic (Protexin) in turkey poults on systemic immune response against Newcastle disease virus (NDV) following vaccination. A total number of 288, day old male turkey poults (premium) were obtained from Zarin Jooje Company (local company). Poults were divided into 6 groups with 4 replicates. Groups were followed: Birds received ND vaccine and water treated with 1 per 1000 liter of Echinacea purpurea (T1), birds received ND vaccine and water treated with 1 kg per 1000 liter of probiotic (T2), positive control or poults were vaccinated against NDV without additives (T3), water supplemented with 1 kg per 1000 liter Echinacea purpurea without vaccination (T4), water supplemented with 1 kg per 1000 liter probiotic without vaccination (T5) and negative control group, neither vaccinated against NDV nor given additives (T6). At the age of 10 and 20 days all poults were vaccinated with VG/GA strain ND vaccine by eye dropper according to the recommendation of the manufacturer. For systemic and mucosal antibody analyses, blood samples were collected and the titers of antibody against NDV were measured by ELISA and HI tests. The addition of Echinacea purpurea to water (T3) ameliorated the systemic IgG, IgA and HI antibody production as compared to the positive control; however, it was not significant for all time. Protexin supplementation of the water (T4) increased (p<0.01) IgG and HI antibody production against NDV compared to the positive control, only at 28 day of age. However, an increase (p<0.01) in systemic IgA antibody titers against NDV was observed compared to the positive control at 20 and 28 days of age. The birds supplemented with EP (T3) had higher specific and total mucosal IgA antibody levels than positive control birds, but it was not significant (except for total tracheal IgA at 23 day). First scientific evidence on the application of the EP and the Protexin in turkeys supports an improvement of systemic and mucosal immunity.

Nabaa Kamal Badawi Babikir
University of Bahri
Title: Nutritive evaluation of some Acacia tree leaves in the Sudan
Nabaa Kamal Badawi Babikir has completed her PhD from Benha University, Egypt. She is a Staff Member in Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biochemistry. She has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals.
The present work was carried out to represent a review of the chemical composition and nutritive value of browse plants in the Sudan especially in arid and semiarid areas. The a proximate analysis for this samples showed that browse plants studied in most cases constitute an excellent forage content, which had higher nutritive value, particularly protein 8.75-21.0%. The browse plants were found to have high content of macro elements and low content of trace elements. The samples in this studied were found to have low content of anti-nutritional factors in term of tannin and high content of lignin. Three fistulated goats were used; the nylon bags containing the browse plants sample Acacia albida, Acacia nubica, Acacia seiberianae, Blanetes aegyptiaca and Ziziphus spina-chresti were administered directly throw the fistula to the rumen of goats. The digestion of the dry matter of the browse plants in the rumen of goat was found to be high in one sample and other samples have middle digestion rate and the rest were low. It is possible to conclude that browse plants complement grasses especially in the dry season, as dry season grasses extremely deficient in protein and some minerals which cannot alone meet livestock maintenance requirement.