Biography: Annytha Detha
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of traditional palm wine in East Nusa Tenggara, named Sopi and Moke, through evaluation of total coliform in farms. In this research 36 swab samples were collected which are derived from four farms in the city area Kupang. 36 swab samples consisted of 16 swab samples before application Sopi and Moke and 16 samples after the application Sopi and Moke. Swab samples were analyzed with total coliform test using Violet Red Bile Agar. The research shows that total coliform after application Sopi and Moke was decreased compared to before applied Sopi and Moke. The study also proved that Sopi and Moke has the same capabilities as the commercial disinfectant named Formaldes®. Therefore Sopi and Moke could be used as a natural disinfectant on farms which can be utilized by local farmers in East Nusa Tenggara.